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Adding new users

Add new users via the Django admin. It’s linked to from the nav bar:

Access to Django Admin

Once there, click + Add to add a new user.

Django Admin add new user

Configuring telephones

Once a user is added, if you want them to receive telephone and/or SMS alerts you should add a mobile number via the Alert subscriptions page (linked from the nav bar):

Click the edit icon next to a user to configure:

User contact configuration

You must have correctly configured your Twilio and/or Hipchat credentials (see Configuration) for these settings to have any effect.

  • Mobile number - in format XXYYYYYYYYYY where Xs are country code and Ys are local number with any leading zeroes stripped.
    • e.g. 447842555555 (UK mobile) or 16135554321 (Canada phone).
    • No leading +, 011 or 011.
    • Cabot currently uses Twilio so anything Twilio will take is fine.
  • Hipchat alias - the name used to @mention a user in Hipchat, without the leading @. Must match exactly for popup notifications to work.
    • e.g. david
  • Fallback alert user - this is the user who will receive telephone and other alerts if nobody else is marked in the rota as being on duty.

Github SSO

Administer users by whitelisting your Github organization.

Github Configuration

For Github Enterprise see below.

1) Head to and create a new OAuth application. Enter the following into the form and replace http://localhost:5001 with your hostname.

Create OAuth application

  • Application Name: Cabot
  • Homepage URL: http://localhost:5001/
  • Authorization Callback URL: http://localhost:5001/complete/github-org/

2) Take the client id and client secret and add them to the following environment variables:


3) Visit http://localhost:5001/login/github-org/ and you should be redirected to the Github authorization flow.

Github Enterprise Configuration

1) Head to and create a new OAuth application. Enter the following into the form and replace http://localhost:5001 with your hostname.

Create OAuth application

  • Application Name: Cabot
  • Homepage URL: http://localhost:5001/
  • Authorization Callback URL: http://localhost:5001/complete/github-enterprise-org/

2) Take the client id and client secret and add them to the following environment variables:


3) Visit http://localhost:5001/login/github-enterprise-org/ and you should be redirected to the Github authorization flow.